
Free download singing machine lobotomy
Free download singing machine lobotomy

free download singing machine lobotomy

The bewitched employees can be suppressed by selecting agents and then clicking on the bewitched employee, since they will not attack them until being attacked. This continues until all the possessed employees are suppressed. The employee will then throw the victim into the machine, repeating the process and bewitching another random employee. Then, the bewitched employee will put them into a bag and drag them to the containment unit of the Singing Machine. If they land enough damage on the target employee, the target will be killed.

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If the ' Bewitched' is an agent, they will deal 3 more damage proportional to their Fortitude level (base + 3 * ).

free download singing machine lobotomy

Afterward, a random employee in the facility, priority to the same department and to clerks over agents, will be ' Bewitched'.Ī ' Bewitched' employee will start to attack other employees, focusing on a single target, trying to kill them with a great hit of 16 (base) Red Damage at slow Attack Speed. If the Qliphoth Counter was at 0 at the start of the work, it will return back to 1. When a work is finished or the employee enters when its Qliphoth Counter is at 0, the employee in the containment will be possessed by the machine and will jump into it, being grinded to death and turned into music. Its Qliphoth Counter will be reduced by obtaining a Bad result. Upon entering the containment room when its Qliphoth Counter is at 0.Finishing a work with an employee with Temperance 2 or less.Finishing a work with an employee with Fortitude Level 4 or more.Its special ability is triggered when an employee tries to interact with it with the following methods: 5.3.4 Being attacked by the possessed employee.5.2 When an employee panics during work.

Free download singing machine lobotomy