
Inkscape arrow on sphere
Inkscape arrow on sphere

The tools remain virtually identical, just reshuffled a bit, so you can follow along on whatever GeoGebra platform - download or web - you wish. GeoGebra is undergoing a fair bit of unbundling, but I am still fond of the Classic Interface. While not quite optimized for mathematical research, it can be a great graphing tool, interactive teaching and assessment tool, mathematical aid, or just a fun toy. GeoGebra is a wide variety of integrated technologies in one package - a Computer Algebra System, 2D and 3D Graphing Calculator, 2D and 3D Constructive Geometry Solver, Spreadsheet system, and more. Many of the things we will say also apply to the for-profit clone Desmos, but there is little reason to support corporate power-grabs no matter how many non-binding assurances they make on their website of their good intent.

inkscape arrow on sphere

Today we will be talking about two tools that are excellent for creating intricate graphics with very fine control, embedded $\LaTeX$, and scalable output. Graphing in this plot-look-modify-plot loop is OK, but it can be both unintuitive and hard to control specific details. Interactive Plotting with GeoGebra and Inkscape.

Inkscape arrow on sphere